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A non-profit organization for those in Western New York who are interested in minerals, fossils, rockhounding, geosciences, and the lapidary arts.

April 4th, 2025: Michael McElwee is giving a presentation on what is being found at the Russell Farm Herkimer Diamond Mine.
May 2nd, 2025: BGS Banquet: Scott Mckenzie will be joining us for a second time to talk to us about meteorites.
***Please bring one item per-person for the gift raffle so that everyone leaves with a prize.

Total Solar Eclipse in Buffalo, NY on April 8, 2024
"Attached are some photos taken during the Solar Eclipse. All are from a location at the north end of Grand Island.
In one of the photos, there is a prominent red dot at the base of the moon. This is a solar prominence usually a rare site during an eclipse. The prominence appears red because the emitting plasma originates deep in the sun's chromosphere." ~ Paul Leuchner
Eastern Federation of Mineralogical and Lapidary Societies, Inc Newsletter is now available -
December 2023
November 2023
New York State: A Topographic Mineralogy is available as a FREE e-book!
Written by Steve Chamberlain and George Robinson

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